Hi’s & Low’s

So by now if you’ve been following my blog you know that I love a good hi-low look. Taking a cheap piece and styling it up to look expensive. Know how to put things together is key. Don’t break the back trying to keep up with all the high-end “in-trend” looks. You can mix it up and still look “expensive.”

Dress: Shein, Crossbody: LV, Sunglasses: LV, Booties: Gucci, Chain belt: Shein

Trendy, Travel Comfort….

I do a lot of traveling. It’s important for me that I maintain comfort while still being fashion forward. This high-low look was a hit for me! I’m infamous for taking cheaper pieces and styling with expensive shoes and/or accessories. I’ll get into more “hi-low” looks in future posts.

3-Piece Set: Fashion Nova, Crossbody: LV, Sunglasses: Gucci, Shoes: Golden Goose

Between Seasons…..

Hi loves! Often times we find ourselves rummaging through our closets during those months when you “think” it’s going to be cold because the season has changed but you walk out and it’s 70-degrees, lol. Staying trendy and “in-season” is easier than you think. Transitional outfits (my made up words) are my go-to. I style them up or down based on the occasion!

Sweater set: Shein, Shoes: Stock X

Leather in the Summertime

Hey y’all!!!!! Let’s jump right into it. I get a lot of questions about how to style leather in the summer or if it’s even appropriate. My response….YES. It’s several ways to style leather in the summertime. It’s all about the balance. Wear a leather pant/or skirt with an oversized tee or screen tee, leather shorts with a tank, blazer and trendy sandals. Remember my #1 rule in fashion…there ARE NO RULES. Never be afraid to be innovative.

Blazer: Thrifted, Shorts: H&M, Sandals: Thrifted, Sandals: Thrifted

Fitness Over 40…..

Hey loves!!!! So, I’ll just jump right into it. More often than ever before, I’ve been getting a lot of questions about my fitness “routine.” Well, the truth is…I wouldn’t say I have a routine; rather than a lifestyle. What I mean by that is I don’t limit myself. I do limit my calorie intake during the week and usually omit alcohol. I stay active by going to the gym, running/walking outside. Ultimately, you have to do what’s best for YOU and YOUR lifestyle. What makes you feel good. How do you want your body to look and feel in your clothes? It’s all about choices!! Always choose to be the BEST version of yourself 😘

Highs and Lows….

DRESS: Shein SHOES: Christian Louboutin Earrings: Local boutique

Hey Loves!!! Hope everyone is having an amazing holiday weekend. So what do I mean by “Highs and Lows”? I’m INFAMOUS for wearing a cost effective look and pairing it with expensive jewelry and shoes. Fashion is NOT about trends. It’s not about who wore what best. Style cannot be bought. You either have it or you don’t. Stop trying to keep up with “people.” Do you!!!

Park Avenue Shic!

The time has come!!! The launch of my new fashion venture is upon us! Park Avenue Shic is a trendy, yet affordable swimsuit site for women of all sizes/ages. Although primarily a swimsuit site, I’ll be introducing new products monthly.
