Beauty Feature….IMNAILS

Happy Satuday fabulous fashionistas! So for those who know me know that I usually go with neutral nail colors. I also like to keep my nails short. I’ve now entered the world of trendy, fashionable nails☺️By way of my fabulous friend Ife, I’m now going to the amazing Nita of IMNAILS in Buckhead, GA (@imnails). She’s truly an artist and has an amazing humble spirit. Here’s to the first of many nail features🤗


Vintage strikes again….

Hi loves! Today’s look is vintage Ralph Lauren and Dana Buchanan. I took a flower top (with shoulder pads🤗) and paired it with a vintage Ralph Lauren skirt. I threw in a deep, rich lip color and funky shoe to give a little pop!

Top: Dana Buchanan by way of Goodwill, Skirt: Ralph Lauren by way of Goodwill, Shoes: GoJane 




Coming soon…..

Hello fabulous people!!!! Due to overwhelming requests for tips on how to shop “thrifty” I will be coming out with online ebooks!! I’m so excited to assist in helping with shopping lavishly on a budget! Thank you to everyone for supporting the  The Shic Blog!!!! 


Oh, just another wrap dress….

Hello All! So, I’ve told you in previous post that I love a good wrap dress. They’re versatile and can be dressed up or down.  Today’s look is a mustard colored wrap dress. I paired with a brown tight, multi color shoe, & long necklace. Happy Tuesday!

Dress: BCBG by way of Goodwill, Shoes: Nine West by way of Goodwill, Tights: Target, Necklace/Earrings: Knowstyle


New Look….

Happy Monday!!! I’ve been on a brief hiatus for a few days but I’m back…& with a new look! So today’s fashion look is a play on black, white, and blue. I love this color combination. I put together a black and white blouse, Royal pant, printed tights, and Royal/black shoe. ALL of these items were thrifted😊…In other news, I’ve decided to go with a shorter, edgier look for the fall/winter. My stylist Ajhanae (@thehairdoll) was able to execute this look without cutting my hair. This is considered a protective full sew in. What do you guys think of the new look?

Blouse: Goodwill, Pants: The Loft by way of Goodwill, Shoes: Aldo by way of Goodwill


Splash of Color….

Happy Hump Day!! Today’s look is incorporating a splash of color with classic black and white. Although I love keeping classic colors simple; I also love adding a little pop to give classic colors some balance. What’s your favorite color pop?

Blazer: Nicole Miller by way of Goodwill, Skirt: The Loft by way of Goodwill, and Shoes: Nine West by way of Goodwill, Blouse: Papaya, Tights: Target


Vintage Ralph Lauren…

Sometimes I like to keep it classic. Today’s look executes classic in this vintage Ralph Lauren blazer and skirt. I didn’t add to much color and decided to keep it classic by adding a white collar shirt, navy belt, and brown boots. Sometimes, it’s ok to keep a classic look classic😉

Blazer: Vintage Ralph Lauren by way of the Thrift Store, Skirt: Vintage Ralph Lauren by way of Park Avenue Thrift, Shirt: The Loft by way of Goodwill, Belt: Vintage by way of the Thrift Store