Happy Friday!

Hey loves!!! Today’s look is keeping it classic, yet trendy. I love this black and khaki dress that I found at one of my favorite treasures. I’ve actually had the shoes for a couple of years and bought the dress recently. Do you have pieces that you buy separately but match perfectly?? Happy Friday!

Dress: Calvin Klein by way of Burlington, Shoes: Jessica Simpson


Oh, just another vintage dress…

Hey loves! Today’s look is all about vintage! I found this vintage Diane Von Furstenberg dress at one of my favorite Goodwill stores!! This dress is all about the detail, and I love every detail of it! What’s your favorite vintage piece in your wardrobe?

Dress: Vintage by way of Goodwill, Belt: Goodwill, Tights: Target, Pumps: Shoedazzle


Blue Suede Shoes….& Pants

Happy Friday!! I hope everyone has had a fashionable week!! Today’s look is mixing vintage with modern. I paired a vintage blouse with a blue suede crop pant and a suede strappy shoe. Is this attire appropriate for spring you might ask? Of course, materials are no longer limited to just one season. It’s all about how you wear it. 

Blouse: Vintage by way of Goodwill (gifted), Pants: Kosmios, Shoes: Go Jane