Dainty Little Dress…

Hey Loves! I’m hoping everyone is getting back into the swing of things after eating too much. Today’s look is what I call a “dainty little dress”. It’s cheap, simple, and stylish. Would you believe that I paid only $7 for it? I’m all about being fashionable and not breaking bank. What dainty little pieces are in your closet?

Dress: Forever 21, Boots: Go Jane

That 70’s Show…

Hey loves! Today’s look is a modern spin on the 70’s era of fashion. I’ve been asked what my favorite era is, and to tell you the truth I don’t have one. I love fashion from ALL eras and are always looking for the trend I can bring back. What’s your favorite fashion era?

Top: Windsor, Jeans: Windsor, Shoes: Goodwill, Clutch: Plato’s Closet

Shorts….In Fall?

Absolutely! Hey loves! I hope everyone had a wonderful, blessed Thanksgiving. So, the days of the cliche fashion dos and dont’s are long gone. I’m not even sure who came up with these rules anyway; no white after Labor Day, no shorts when it gets cold, no fur or suede in the spring or summer months, just to name a few. The beauty of fashion is that it’s all about self expression. If you have something in your closet and you’re hesitating on wearing it because of the season…pull it out! Remember, it’s not about what you wear, but how you wear it😊

Jacket: Etsy, White Tee: Son, Shorts: Homemade, Caged Boots: Shoeland, Necklace: Forever 21

Cinnamon & Spice….

Hey loves! Since Thanksgiving is right around the corner I figured I’d sprinkle some fall colors in the mix. So, this outfit is so old I don’t even remember where I got it from , but since I’ve shed some pounds (see upcoming posts about my fitness journey) I pulled it out the oldie section☺️ What’s your favorite “oldie” piece in your closet?

Sheeeeeeee’s Baaaaaaack!

Hello loves!!!!! Oh, how I’ve missed blogging. Thank you to all of those who’ve reached out about me wanting me to come back I appreciate you all so much. I will keep this one short as I just wanted to let you all know that I’m back!! Stay warm and stay SHIC!!😘

Dress: Naked Wardrobe, Necklace: Honestly Speaking Mobile Boutique, Shoes: Just Fab